The weather has improved. Sort of. It was 72F today, so the back patio was a solar oven by 3:45. I guess the next project is stringing a curtain along the west end of the patio cover. The trick will be making not look like a shower curtain.
I cleaned off the patio today -- and I'm fairly certain that less is more as far as all the stuff that's accumulated there in the last month and a half. After the curtain, I think some storage locker benches are the next order of business.
Mark and I almost bought a trellis-bench combination. We were walking through a store when I saw a floor model and sat down on it. Surprisingly, the black metal bench was comfortable. In retrospect, we think that the metal conformed to our bodies. Mark managed to take one of the decorative knobs off and saw how thin the metal was. It bent like a tin can.
Sigh. Plastic garden fixtures are looking better and better every day.