Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The First To be Smited

Area E-4. Whoever lived in our house before us tried to fill the backyard with trees. It was an abortive attempt, and we find evidence of past failures in the form of small sinkholes which line up with still existing shrubbery. When we first moved in, we thought this Japanese Maple was dead; alas, it had merely been underwatered, and showed signs of lingering life when the rains returned.

Unfortunately, it had a case of maple root rot. And it was badly placed, floating in the middle of an otherwise clear space of lawn. It looked half-dead most of the time, it didn't really match the ornimental cherry tree or tie into the tool shed. And it required mowing around.

It filled me with discontent. So I sawed it down. The yard looks better all ready.

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