Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Dealing with Noise
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's Too Darn Hot
Sunday, April 27, 2008
April Snow ?
Area C1 -- Dug out more of the tropical grass. Man, that stuff is insidious -- it forms a mat of roots about five inches wide spreading everywhere (including our neighbor's yard). I put some of it in a pot with no drainage hole, which is probably the only way to contain it. But the rest went into the yard waste bin (not the compost).
Areas A1 & B1 -- Planted rosemary, sage, basil, celantro, etc. Then it snowed. In April. It never snows in April around here. Not only did it snow once, it snowed twice. Then it hailed. I put tarps and plastic covers over everything; the basil looks very unhappy.
Areas A1 & A1 -- The week before the snow it got into the mid 70's. It only reminded me that the next task is to purchase some 180lb wire and string a curtain along the west end of the tin roof for some kind of shade.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sound Check
Then I listened. Noise from Neighbor A bounces off of Neighbor A's house, crosses Neighbor B's yard, reflects off the back of Neighbor C's house and focuses on ... our yard. I drew green soundwaves on the map. Noise from Neighbor D bounces between Neighbor E's house and ours and focuses on ... our yard. More green soundwaves. Noise from Neighbor F funnels through Neighbor E's carport and sluices into ... (you guessed it) our yard. By this time the green lines on the map made a moire pattern about where our cherry tree is.
If only the noises matched themselves somehow and cancelled out.
So I went to Coastal Hardware today. Looks like a Really Big Fountain costs $200 and Really Big Wind Chimes cost $130. Time to budget. Or maybe I can weld some old metal kitchen bowls to a windmill and water pump....
Saturday, March 8, 2008
But Where ?
Of course now the question is "But where to put it?"
On one hand, it's not bright orange or day-glow green, and it does provide The Child with something to do (other than clip back plants that don't need clipping). But on the other hand, it turns the only flat spot in The Garden of Discontent into a basketball court. And the ball rolls with suspicious regularity into the bulbs (OK, OK, the bulbs are in area A1 and A2, the lowest parts of the yard).
Maybe we can make it look like an Inca ball court.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Progress Report
We all have colds at our house, so this weekend has been a gardening-lite one.
Still have to replace the shovel.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Grave Results
What they didn't say was what to do when the rose was sitting over a drain, wedged between a fence and a 1950's concrete patio, in Oregon clay. About three-fourths of the way getting the rose out of the ground, the shovel handle snapped. Using a combination of trowels and my hands, I managed to get the rose out of the ground. I wouldn't call what was underneath a ball, exactly; more like the sort of snag that one finds by the edge of rivers.
With any luck I didn't kill it. Now all I hope was that I didn't do the ornamental straw a huge favor by digging it up, shaking as much dirt loose from its roots as I could, and using the dirt to cover up the rose's roots. Otherwise in about three months I'll have foreign weeds poking up along a dead rose cane.<
Monday, February 25, 2008
Gardening Rambo-style
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wishing Well
Friday, February 22, 2008
The Rose Pit
Maybe a wretched squirrel will drown in it and my irises can grow in piece.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Area C1 -- Clipped back the dead ornamental
Area A2 -- Swept out the dirt from when the patio was flooded with some help(?) with The Child. Cleared some of the more odious detritus and managed to reclaim some of the patio space.
I flipped the magazine's pages, fished around for the table of contents, and finally found the article. As near as I could tell, their approach was to take a $600,000 plot of land and spend $50,000 in landscaping, granite, a fountain, and a giant matte black stainless steel globe.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Be Gone From My Sight
But not in my back yard.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The First To be Smited
Area E-4. Whoever lived in our house before us tried to fill the backyard with trees. It was an abortive attempt, and we find evidence of past failures in the form of small sinkholes which line up with still existing shrubbery. When we first moved in, we thought this Japanese Maple was dead; alas, it had merely been underwatered, and showed signs of lingering life when the rains returned.
Unfortunately, it had a case of maple root rot. And it was badly placed, floating in the middle of an otherwise clear space of lawn. It looked half-dead most of the time, it didn't really match the ornimental cherry tree or tie into the tool shed. And it required mowing around.
It filled me with discontent. So I sawed it down. The yard looks better all ready.